general, the application protection mechanism is based on the "envelope"
principle, which implies placing the application to the so-called envelope. The
application is packed (using ASPack compression
engine), i.e. all application sections (code, data, import tables, resources)
are processed and then the protection code is appended to the end of the file.
The size of the protection code is about 200K bytes packed. Firstly, the
protection code gains control and checks the application integrity, debugger
presence, and the registration key, processes trial version limitations, then
decrypts and unpacks the application data, initializes the application data
needed (processes the import functions and relocation tables) and passes the
control to the application. Unlike other protection schemes, ASProtect has the
API (Application Programming Interface) to interact with the protected
application, which greatly increases the resistance to the attempts to remove
the protection.